Jehovah witness religion short

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It was a dismal childhood full of boredom, fear and embarrassment. Wasn’t allowed to join the Brownies, go to parties, or basically have any fun.

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I was fully convinced I would die young because I didn’t believe in it all. We had huge piles of tins and packets in preparation. My parents stockpiled food for Armageddon for years and years. I just have nothing in common with her and resent that it robbed me of a childhood and screwed me up. I can’t abide spending more than a short time with her and have to train myself not to respond to her constant wittering about it all. She can’t talk to them or me because her whole conversation and attitudes are formed from her brainwashing. She sends copies of the Watchtower and Awake to them which just go in the bin. my mother is incredibly judgemental towards others and has no relationship really with her grandchildren. Constant indoctrination about sex being a sin etc. My father wasn’t one but used to go to meetings sometimes. It’s affected our family a lot as there were no celebrations, no good times. She pioneers at 86 and all her friends are JWs. She is elderly now but her whole life is about ‘the truth’.

It has really affected me a lot and really damaged my relationship with my mother.

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